Drilling Choke Control
The Drilling Choke is an integral part of the choke and kill sub-system of the standard well control system utilised during every well construction, maintenance and removal activity. Drilling Chokes can be manually or power operated.
Choke Control is applied during well control operations to provide accurate pressure and well control.

Our Choke Control Units are designed and manufactured to suit any type of powered Drilling Choke, and can be configured to operate multiple choke and valve arrangements.
Choke Control Unit instrumentation includes pressure, temperature, choke position, valve position, and pump strokes, but can also be configured for other well flow parameters such as mud-gas-separator pressure.
Choke Control Units can be provided in an integrated single unit or split unit arrangement to suit Customer requirements. The split unit is built in two separate sub-units, the Instrumentation and Control sub-unit and the Power sub-unit.