Partners In Control

Cansco Control Technology Inc. is part of the Cansco group of companies.

Cansco International Corp. (‘CANSCO WELL CONTROL’) is a technology company specialising in the supply of well control equipment, people and process solutions to the upstream hydrocarbon and geothermal industries. For more details on CANSCO WELL CONTROL please visit


BOMCO-CANSCO Oilfield Equipment (Guanghan) Co. Ltd. [‘BOMCO-CANSCO TECHNOLOGIES’] is an equity joint venture company between Baoji Oilfield Machinery Co., Ltd (BOMCO) and Cansco International Corp. (CANSCO), registered in the People’s Republic of China.

BOMCO-CANSCO TECHNOLOGIES is a well control equipment technology development and production company, supplying a wide range of blow out preventers, drilling valves and related equipment for application on standard and severe service well projects in the oil, gas and geothermal industries.

For more details on BOMCO-CANSCO TECHNOLOGIES please visit